Reasons To Consider Taking A Multi-Mineral Supplement

27 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Many people take multi-vitamin supplements. Some of these supplements also contain macro-minerals that are needed in the diet, such as iron and calcium. However, in addition to a daily multivitamin, you may also want to consider taking a multi-mineral supplement that contains various trace and macro-minerals. Here are a few reasons why this is a good idea. Minerals play complex roles in health that are not fully understood. Many minerals play a role in the creation of enzymes, and enzymes play key roles in your body's metabolic processes, from the breakdown of fat to the creation of muscle tissue. Read More …

About Me
The Real Grocery Game: Finding Value In Supermarkets

When I was a kid, one of the most enjoyable routine errands I ever got to run with my mother was when she went grocery shopping. While many kids might grumble and groan about a task like this, I always loved it. Mom went out of her way to make it engaging, though. She taught me about all sorts of fresh produce, meats, and healthy food choices as well as allowing me some less-than-healthy indulgences. It made the grocery store a place I loved and appreciated, as I still do to this day. I wanted to share my story, and my experiences, in the hopes of helping others find the same value in their weekly grocery shopping trips.
